Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Positive Impact of Sports on Children Essays - 467 Words

Sports may not be all that good for children. Some people might say that sports can cause injury, children won’t get a chance to play if they are not very good, or children may be made fun of for lacking skill in that particular sport. I believe that participating in sports has a much more positive impact on children. Sports can help children’s health approve, help them develop new friends, and can help improve the children’s self confidence. Sports may help improve children’s overall health. Many people against youth sports might say that participating in sports has a high risk of injury. This is not correct; children have a much less chance of injury as that of an adult. However I believe that sports can improve children’s health.†¦show more content†¦As a result children’s health will be improved as they participate in sports. Playing sports may help children develop new friends. Some people against youth sports might say that if a child is not that great at a sport, he will have to sit out and not get a chance to play. Only in adult sports athletes don’t get to participate. In youth sports, every athlete is required playing time. Although I believe that sports help children develop friends. Participating in sports has helped children make friends by 87% (Doc 1). Playing sports provides pleasure for children and gives them an opportunity to meet new people and acquire new friendships. Children playing sports find it a lot easier to make friends rather than children not involved in sports. Sports can help improve children’s self confidence. Some people against youth sports might say that children can get made fun for lacking skill in that particular sport. However I believe this is false because all the children work as a team. It doesn’t matter if children win or lose, all that matters is that they’re having fun. I believe that participating in sports can improve children’s self confidence. Sports can improve feelings about themselves by 85% (Doc 1). When adolescents play sports they feel as though they are a part of something important. As a result children are left feeling self-confident. I believe that sports have a positive impact on children. Sports can improve children’s health,Show MoreRelatedYouth Sports Help Children Develop Values, And Teach Children1092 Words   |  5 PagesNo matter how good you are, you will not always succeed. Youth sports help children develop values, and teach children resilience. Not only do they teach children values, but they teach children why it is important to be physically active. Youth sports teach children how to transfer values into the classroom and become a better student. However, there should be guidelines in place to support youth development and increase a positive experience. 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